Thursday, August 11, 2022

Lose Yourself in 'Toy Tinker Simulator'

 Hey everyone! It's your lad, Galaxy Gaymer!

There's something so fulfilling about doing things you could do in real life within a game. It almost feels like you've done it yourself so you get that sense of achievement. It also helps us take the unnecessary pressures out of our everyday life and can let us just lose ourselves, even if only for a little while.

Toy Tinker Simulator is a lovely game where the main goal is simple. You need to disassemble toys to put them through a refurbishing process and then reassemble them so they're as good as new and ready to sell. Then you need to decorate a few different places, including your office. This game sounds simple, because it is, but in the best way.

This game has so much charm and feels quite realistic. I really love the general atmosphere of where you're working, and I just feel so relaxed and calm while playing this game. The background music assists the player in relaxing throughout the duration of this game which I found very helpful yet a little dangerous as time seemed to just breeze by in the real world.

This game is perfect for people who love other simulation games, especially more casual ones. I found this game to be very quickly enjoyable, and I just feel like it is one of those games that could potentially be great for someone's mental health. There's just something about it that continuously drew me in the longer I played it.

What is your favourite relaxing simulation game? Comment down below! Also a huge thank you to GrabTheGames for sending me a copy of this game to review! It's so cozy and lovely.

Have a nice day!

Love, Galaxy Gaymer x

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