Monday, May 20, 2019

'The Adventures of Elena Temple': Hard To Put Down

Hey guys! It's your lad here, Galaxy Gaymer!

So, I am lucky enough to be given the game that is today's topic, but that does not mean my review will be any less than 100% truthful! This game is puzzle platformer by the name of The Adventures of Elena Temple.

At first glance, this game has a nostalgic feeling to it. Imagine the days of 2d platformers being at the peak of their popularity, and how even the most basic of games can draw you and and have you almost immediately addicted until the early hours of the morning. The Adventures of Elena Temple is a throwback to that feeling

With its simplistic monochrome style, and various borders for different levels of the game, it really showcases all the best parts of the era of 2d platformers. This game is not only very smooth with controls, but it is difficult enough, but not frustratingly so, that even the most skilled of players will want to continue playing until they can finish just one more level. All in all, I found a lot of enjoyment in this game, and also played for two hours without even realising which does not happen often.

I recommend this game for either new gamers who want something that they may not have yet experienced, or even older players looking for that little bit of nostalgia, but in a new way. I recommend The Adventures of Elena Temple for almost everyone and anyone looking for a fresh new feeling to puzzle platformers!

What is your favourite puzzle platformer from past or present! Comment below!

Love, Galaxy Gaymer

'NekoPara': Story Heavy Hidden Gem

Hey everyone! Your lad Galaxy Gaymer here!

So, as some odd you may have noticed, visual novels have been my go-to genre on the Switch. I am constantly finding so many great visual novels, but none have made me smile and feel as emotionally invested as the censored version of NekoPara volume 1 and 2 on Nintendo Switch!

Basically, NekoPara is all from the point of view of a bakery owner, Kashou, who is the master to two half cat/ half female human characters known as "cat girls", named Chocola and Vanilla. Throughout the episodes the relationships between Chocola and Vanilla and Kashou grow and they all adapt to living in an apartment together, working together at the bakery and discovering new aspects of each other's personalities. The volumes also involve Kashou's sister, Shigure, who is a VERY affectionate little sister, maybe a little too affectionate, and their family's cat girls, Cinnamon, Maple, Azuki and Coconut (my personal favourite).

This visual novel has such a unique aspect and is surprisingly story-heavy. I found myself feeling very emotional in both of the available volumes and found myself get more and more invested. The art style is very nice and I would definitely love to eventually watch the OVA. If the two volumes aren't enough, then you can definitely enjoy a smaller sub-volume on each of the volumes upon finishing them. These volumes tend to be a bit deeper and display a lot of the backstory on how the characters came to be how they are.

All in all, I highly recommend the Switch version of NekoPara for the people who love visual novels, but don't necessarily want some of the more risque aspects of the version you can get on Steam. For less than $20 per volume, and with the 3rd and final volume right around the corner, I think it is such a steal and there's every chance you will enjoy the experience of this visual novel too!

What is a game that had you emotionally invested and wanted to really explore some more story-heavy games? Comment below and it may be my next review here!

Have a nice day!

Love, Galaxy Gaymer